Financial Hardship Policy

We appreciate there are times when circumstances beyond your control can make it difficult to meet all your financial commitments.

If you’re struggling to make a payment to us, please let us know as soon as possible:

National Claims team

Call 1300 655 001

Mon – Fri, 8am – 5:00pm (AEST).

Financial Hardship Application Form

Submit your completed financial hardship application and all supporting information to the National Claims team via email at

Individuals entitled to support

Financial Hardship means you have difficulty meeting your financial obligations to us.

You may be entitled to support because you are suffering Financial Hardship if you are:

  1. an individual Insured or a Third Party Beneficiary who owes us money – including an excess – under an insurance policy we have issued; or
  2. an individual and we are seeking to recover money from you because we believe you caused damage or loss to either an Insured, or a Third Party Beneficiary who we cover under an insurance policy.

The support that we provide does not include support with paying the premiums under an insurance policy we have issued.

How we can support you

We may in certain circumstances agree to:

(a) delaying the date on which the payment must be made;

(b) paying us in instalments – we will not refuse a reasonable request from you to pay the amount you owe in instalments;

(c) paying a reduced lump sum amount;

(d) delaying one or more instalment payments, for an agreed period;

(e) deducting the excess from the claim amount we pay you;

(f) fast tracking a claim

Support Services

Sometimes you may need extra help to get through a difficult time. For free, confidential, independent financial advice visit Financial Counselling Australia or call the National Debt Helpline on 1800 007 007 or visit

Financial hardship provisions in the General Insurance Code of Practice

To find out more visit General Insurance Code of Practice.