We value your feedback

Your feedback is important to us. Our aim is to provide you with quality products and consistently great service experiences in the moments that matter. If you have a complaint about one of our products or about the service you have received either from us directly or from one of our partners or suppliers, we would like to hear about it and to have the opportunity to resolve it for you.

How to make a complaint

If you have a complaint that relates to our products, services, or the conduct of our representatives such as our employees, loss adjusters, loss assessors, investigators, collection agents or claims team, please contact us.

Contact us via our online form​ or,

Write to us at:

Complaints Officer

Catholic Church Insurance Limited

GPO Box 180

Melbourne, VIC 3001​

Or call 1800 011 028 EST 8:30am to 5:00pm, Monday to Friday.

When we receive your complaint we will:

  • Acknowledge that we have received your complaint.
  • Log your complaint and provide you with a complaint reference number.
  • Keep you informed of the progress of your complaint.
  • Provide you with the name and contact information of the person or team handling your complaint.
  • Work with you to resolve the complaint as soon as we possibly can.

Our priority is to resolve your complaint as quickly and fairly as possible and to do this, it will be handled by a CCI team member with the appropriate authority, knowledge and experience to address the concerns you have raised. This will not be the person whose decision or conduct is what your complaint is about.
We will respond to your complaint within 30 calendar days of receiving it.
We will respond in writing if:

  • Your complaint is about a declined claim, the value of a claim or about financial hardship;
  • We haven’t resolved your complaint to your satisfaction by the end of the fifth business day after your complaint was received by us; or
  • You have requested a response in writing.

We will keep you informed of the progress of your complaint at least every 10 business days (unless you agree on an alternative time frame).

To assist us in resolving your complaint we will only ask for, and rely on, information that is relevant to our decision. If you ask us for this information, we will provide this to you within 10 business days. While our aim is to provide you with a resolution to your complaint as soon as possible, if we are not able to make a decision or resolve your complaint within 30 days, then before this deadline passes we will let you know the reasons for the delay and about your right to take your complaint to AFCA.

Escalating your complaint

If you have made a complaint and are still not satisfied with our response, you may request that your complaint is escalated and reviewed by an independent CCI party to make a final decision on behalf of CCI.

Once your dispute has been reviewed, if you are still not satisfied with our decision or the process you may choose to refer your dispute to the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA), an independent organisation that resolves disputes between consumers and financial service providers, via the details below:

Australian Financial Complaints Authority

GPO Box 3

Melbourne VIC 3001

Tel: 1800 931 678

Email: info@afca.org.au

Website: www.afca.org.au

CCI will deal with complaints concerning privacy issues and workers compensation issues in accordance with our Privacy Policy and the relevant workers compensation state regulations.