Tenth Round of Grants Program Empowers Vulnerable Communities

In the tenth round of the Communities Taking Steps grant program, CCI Giving directors approved 15 projects, surpassing the $150,000 budget to continue supporting small, community-based organisations. Over the span of seven years, the program has directed over $1 million to aid some of the most vulnerable individuals within our communities.

This round introduced a slightly different process, with CCI Giving proactively inviting select organisations to apply. This approach reduced the assessment period, allowing for the expedited distribution of funds while maintaining a high quality and diversity of projects.

Among the funded initiatives, ACRATH will conduct targeted school education sessions on the issue of forced marriage, and Mary’s House will provide education and technological assistance to women fleeing domestic violence situations, to reduce instances of coercive control via technology assisted monitoring and tracking.

Additionally, funds will support essential improvements such as heating at Saltbush Balnarring Beach, who facilitate respite holidays for disadvantaged communities, extra storage lockers for the homeless at Emmanual City Mission, and bathroom renovations for Emmaus Community, a social housing model supporting people living will mental ill health. Emergency aid has not been overlooked, with grants allocated to food bank costs for displaced Ukrainians, and crisis response funding for refugees starting anew in South Australia.

Funding has been allocated to Nano House, a recently established crisis shelter in Sydney catering to women and their children escaping domestic and family violence. This facility provides comprehensive wrap-around services, including support for developing stable housing plans. Foothills, another organisation aiding women in similar situations, secured funding for their Mum’s Connection Space, fostering a safe and nurturing environment where isolated women can come together based on shared experiences.

This latest round of grants from CCI Giving underscores the commitment to small and local organisations addressing critical community needs, demonstrating the importance of collective efforts in building stronger, more resilient communities.


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